In the enchanting backdrop of the Welsh Valleys, Moreish Candles was born from a shared passion for creativity and ethical living. Founded by two remarkable individuals, whose diverse backgrounds perfectly complemented each other, Moreish Candles emerged as a beacon of innovation and compassion.


Meet our first founder, Matthew Jones a trained Royal Navy Chef with an exceptional palate and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. Matthew's journey began in the galleys of naval warships, where he honed his culinary skills, and a profound respect for the planet took root. He understood the importance of sourcing responsibly and the impact of waste on the environment.

Matthew's vision was to translate his culinary expertise into the realm of scents, combining his love for creating delightful flavours with his dedication to environmental consciousness. It was this vision that laid the foundation for Moreish Candles.


Enter Lee Graham, our second co-founder, a Senior Animator and Marketing professional. Lee brought his exceptional talent for visual storytelling, eye for detail and love for serenditipity design to the partnership. Having created captivating visuals for prestigious blue chip companies world wide, he was eager to channel his creativity into a venture that aligned with his values.

A dedicated advocate for animal rights and environmental sustainability, Lee was determined to create a product that was not only visually stunning but also cruelty-free and eco-friendly. Lees marketing acumen would play a pivotal role in positioning Moreish Candles as a standout brand in a competitive market.